The Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible
There is a state of balanced harmony that resides within all beings. Our lives have been drawn away from this central alignment, and the resulting chaos of this time now creates sufficient distrust in, and questioning of, our previous ways such that this conscious alignment, love and unity is moe in focus as a way out of the chaos exposing the underbelly of the top down control and commerce that previously showed more its glossy face. As institutions, economy and trust crumbles, those who are able are anchoring in the light, letting the old ways of thinking fall away, and focusing on co-creating a new collective way of being. What might this be like?
New possibilities
We are fully empowered to transform the beliefs and values we were brought up with. There are so many other options. What if our measures of ‘success’ were about openness, wisdom, health, love and joy rather than ‘success’ being ones education level, salary amount and net worth of assets? This one change would shift so much. Economic growth could be replaced by personal growth, collective evolution. How would that feel for you? For me it’s “Aaaah! Yes!”
What if living in alignment with Spirit and the natural world becomes the central core of our lives such that education focused on providing all the skills that children need without disturbing their precious alignment with Spirit and unique soul purpose?
What if health is returning to this balanced harmonious alignment emotionally and mentally as well as physically?
What if ‘punishment’ was replaced with processes that heal the person into a whole loving, open awareness people who can feel the effects of non-aligned actions on others, so can self-correct?
All this can be taught. We learned this current way of being through years of repetitive conditioning and schooling. with the same time input and dedication of course we can learn other ways of being and doing — ways that are more loving, balanced, joyous and aware.
It’s a radical change, yet possible since the current chaos is disillusioning enough to spring-board those who are open into new directions. The economy is shaky, our trust in our institutions is shaky. The silver lining shines in those who are awakening, seeing through illusions, remembering their true nature.
How do we create the beautiful world?
There’s much that is needed from each of us to re-vision this new time, each of us to our own calling and skills. Drawing from many traditions around the world, between us we have all the discoveries needed. We hold the keys for new healthcare, education, decision-making and ecological closed-loop systems. Now is the time to implement them.
Our mission, should we wish to accept it:
Mission: to align ever more closely with Spirit with every breath while fully witness our current systems that divide us and create fear, competition and insecurity, and envisioning how each divisive system could be rebalanced and harmonized. E.g. we can witness that we have been ‘educated’ out of our gut sense, emotional intelligence, intuition and spirit guidance into a focus on the intellect as the only ‘reliable’ sense. We see through these illusions and emerge out of mental confinement by reawakening all the parts of ourselves that we closed down to ‘fit in.’
The matrix of our previous paradigm will dissolve at each witnessing and opening up. Are you up for this? Yesss!
Individual transformation,
collective evolution
It’s a challenging yet powerfully transformative time to be alive. This is what we came for — to be lights to ourselves and all around us, to spring out of the chaos into beautiful ways.
Everyone one of us who have faced our shadows, released conditioning, and found peace in uncertainty is a guiding light at this crucial junction in humanity’s history. We’ve been through our own turmoils. This is what ‘collective breakdown’ looks like.
If you’re reading this page you likely chose to be a guiding light at this time. If you’re sinking, faced with more than you can handle, click here
!The old paradigm is on its way out. Clinging to it will be painful. It has served its purpose to bring us to where we are now, ready for a more sustainable, loving future.
Humanity is at a cross-roads. Technocrats are offering one way forward: AI hookup to the Internet of Things through 5G and repeated injections. There’d be no need to take responsibility or think things through – this will be done for you. Your choices will be limited.
Another possibility is to move collectively into way of being that is more aligned with Spirit and the natural world, which can be as joyous, loving, truthful and free as we are open to envision it. Economy could be about sourcing needs with as little labour, energy and resources possible, freeing up time for creative arts, learning, celebration, and evolution, replacing the motivation of economic growth with personal and collective growth.
It’s easier than we think. From an open heart, see how education, health care, decision making would look and feel if based on love, trust and harmony (rather than profit). As the untruths of governing, media and health institutions unravel, these previous systems will naturally fall away. No doubt there’ll be disillusionment and hurt to heal, but the way will be open for the new to step in. How good do we want it?!
If we are willing to source directly from inner awareness, using senses other than the mind, and stand in truth, we can replace patriarchy and all hierarchical systems with mutual shared responsibility, collaboration and co-creativity. Not everyone can do this, but if you’ve read this far, the chances are you can. As confidence builds you will inspire others, lend a hand to step into the deep comfort of their own authenticity.
We don’t all have to be the same, personally or collectively. This time beckons us to step out of the box and find ways that feel right. Each area can discover the values and lifestyles that suit its terrain and its people. A global wide brush is replaced by unique solutions and ways of finding balance with the natural world its interconnected with. Nature can teach us, in silence, by being in trees, on the earth, beside water and allowing these elements to bring us back to alignment within ourselves.