Little Healers

Little Healers Summer Camp

A four-day camp for children of healers and spiritual teachers age 8 to 12 offering an opportunity to learn useful healing skills in the company of other conscious children.

There are two date alternatives: August 17-21 and 24-28.


Yurt and net protected areas of EcoWellness center, Carp, sprayed with garlic and white geranium.

Possibility for a day to be held in a rural spot closer to the city offering swimming, weather permitting.

Camp fee

$250, $100 discount for parents enthusiastic to share their healing skills.
One night sleep-over in yurt or in nearby tent evening fire ceremony. Option for and parents’ to stay overnight for conscious parent sharing or vision quest. Ride share

Rideshare suggestion: A morning teacher can drive some children in, afternoon teachers can drive back. Rideshare parents are welcome stay for a replenishing day alone walking or meditating in the woods. A mosquito net meditation tent available for a day retreat.