Meditation Teacher Training

This course aims to draw out your wisdom, clarify your beliefs and teaching goals and give you teaching practice and feedback. It offers you a solid practical basis to teach beginner level meditation in a way that is authentic to you and congruent with your life path, and to best serve the needs of your students. You will be offered a template for good meditation teaching that is adaptable to your path and practice. Exploration is encouraged, inviting you to explore other participants’ perspectives and practices.We’ll cover professional considerations – indications, contraindications, orientation to the kinds of questions that come up, ways to handle difficult situations and how to adapt your method to participant needs. We’ll also clarify the boundaries where you are within your skill set and when it is better to refer to other help, so you can teach with confidence in a safe, supportive way.. and ways to set up your classes.

October 15 – Session 1

There is no one right way. Clarifying your understanding about meditation, your practice, and where you’d like to bring people to during your classes.

Overview of main approaches to meditation. Pros and cons. Adaptability to mainstream life and people’s needs.

Template meditation teaching method – 11 steps to good meditation teaching handout

October 22 – Session 2

Opening meditation – led by participant.

Beliefs, styles, positioning. Philosophical context. Non-denominational language. Aims and aspirations.

Closing meditation led by participant.

October 29 – Session 3

Opening meditation – led by participant.

Settings. Props. Contra-indications. Problem situations – personal and group.

Closing meditation led by participant.

November 5 – Session 4

Opening meditation – led by participant.

Professional considerations – responsibilities – contraindications – supporting students through awakening – kundalini phenomena – mental illness – adapting to current societal health

Closing meditation led by participant.

November 12 – Session 5

The challenges of deeper practice. Techniques for deepening absorption. Embodied practices.Long meditation. Sharing.

Closing meditation led by participant.

November 19 – Session 6

Opening meditation led by participant.

Building inner wisdom and confidence – deepening your service to spirit – New paradigm spirituality

Limitations of this course – knowing your skill edge. Ethics.

Certificates for successful completion.


Pre-requisite: ability to sit peacefully and comfortably in meditation using your chosen method
Course fee: $385 before October 1st, $410 thereafter.
One scholarship position is available. Applicants chosen is notified September 30.
Successful completion of this course earns a Level I teaching certificate.

Use the contact form here to apply.


I wanted to Thank you again for your meditation teacher training.  It was a class that was unconventional in it’s approach, which was lovely. Your compassion, listening skills, concern and kindness shone brightly each class. Your stories and wisdom made it rich in content, and I know they will be of value to my future classes. 

Karen Kristine  Keller Williams Integrity Realty, Brokerage